simply sars learn german a1 for beginners

Are you planning to get married in Germany but have no idea where and how to start the process? Are you also overwhelmed by so many documents you need to prepare?  

I know how it feels because I was in the same situation as you are experiencing right now.

But don’t worry, in this article, I will give you the complete guide on how you will start your application for your marriage visa in Germany.

I will also share my personal experience, so you don’t need to stress yourself worrying about the entire application. 

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in. 

What is Marriage Visa?

Before I start sharing my experience and give the guidelines, I want to give you first an idea of what a Marriage Visa or Fiance Visa is and why we need this type of visa. 

Marriage visa Germany is a type D visa that allows us to come to Germany and marry our German citizen fiancé. As a Non-EU citizen, we are required to apply for this visa for us to marry a German citizen.

You cannot use the Tourist visa or the Visit visa if you want to get married in Germany. 

Difference between Marriage Visa and Family Reunion Visa in Germany

Marriage Visa or Fiance visa is required if you want to go to Germany and marry a German citizen. In short, you have a German fiance and are planning to marry in Germany. 

A family reunion visa is required if you are already married to a German citizen or you have a family living in Germany and are planning to live and be with your husband/wife, family, parents in Germany.

These two types of visas are both long-term type D visas that require a process if you want to come and live in Germany.

But in this article, I will be focusing on the marriage visa application.

Requirements for Marriage Visa in Germany

There are two sets of requirements you need to prepare when getting an unmarried visa in Germany. A lot of people are confused about these two sets of documents, so better to know them earlier on your application.

The first set of documents you need to prepare is for the Standesamt (Civil Registry Office where you will get married), and the second set of documents is for the appointment interview by the German Embassy Makati. 

When I say two sets of documents, meaning you might need to request 2 copies of some documents that you will need for your entire visa application.

In my case, I ordered 2 copies of my Birth certificate from the PSA early on because it is required for the Standesamt and the German Embassy. 

For some documents with expiration like Cenomar (only valid for 6 months), you can request it later when you are ready to submit it. 

So now, it’s clear for you about the 2 sets of documents, let me now start with the first set of documents that you need to prepare and basically the first step of your application.

Requirements for Standesamt

We started our marriage visa journey in 2017. In my personal experience, after my husband (before was my Fiancé) went to Standesamt to register our marriage, I was required to submit only 4 documents. These documents are:

  • Birth certificate (From Philippine Statistic Office) 
  • Affidavit of Singleness (Notarized) 
  • Cenomar 
  • Vollmacht ( Document from Standesamt that allowing your fiance to register your marriage on your behalf. )
cenomar requirements marriage visa in germany
( Cenomar )
affidavit of singleness requirements marriage visa in germany
( Affidavit of Singleness )
vollmacht requirements marriage visa in germany
( Vollmacht )

At first, I said, “What? Only 4 documents? My visa process will definitely be fast and no stress!” But I was wrong. These were only the initial documents I needed. 

After the Standesamt contacted the German Embassy in Manila that a Filipina (Me) is getting married in Germany, they said that they need to examine all my documents deeper. 

My husband was asked to pay 330€ for processing the examination of my documents. 

These are the documents needed for the examination of documents:

  • Birth Certificate (from PSA) 
  • Cenomar – for a person older than 18 years old (from PSA) 
  • Two (2) passport-size pictures and one (1) whole-body picture (13x18cm) of the applicant
  • Consent to the checking of the documents by the applicant (click here for PDF copy) – signed in original
  • Passport copy of the applicant
  • Declaration of the complete address of the residence in the Philippines. ( Sketch of your address with landmark)
  • If a previous marriage existed, you have to submit a Marriage Certificate, as well as proof that the previous marriage is dissolved. 
  • Birth certificate(s) of children (if any). In case of migration, these documents are needed:
    – Baptismal certificate
    – Form 137 (Elementary School Permanent Record)
    – Declaration of Address for Minors
    – Two (2) passport size pictures and one (1) whole body size picture
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Form 137 ((Elementary record)
  • Marriage Certificate of Parents (PSA or LCR) – If parents are not married, submit the Mother’s Cenomar/Cemar
  • Two (2) passport-size pictures of the parents or respectively their death certificates (either PSA or LCR) 
  • Birth certificate(s) of sibling(s), if any. (Photocopies from PSA/LCR are enough) 

(You can find the full detailed list here)

These documents must be submitted in original form with two (2) photocopies. You do not need to authenticate these documents. 

The whole examination of documents takes 4 to 6 months even longer, depending on the situation. 

NOTE: Some applicants were asked to send the examination documents directly to the Embassy. I suggest that you first ask your Standesamt if you need to send it to Germany or to the Embassy.

In my case, they asked me to send it to Germany and they will send it to the German Embassy Manila. 

Requirements for Interview Appointment in German Embassy Manila

So, this is the second set of documents that you need to prepare which are needed for the interview appointment in the German Embassy in Makati. 

Submit these documents on the day of your interview appointment to the German Embassy:

  • Two (2) application forms, fully completed, dated, and signed. 
  • Three (3) current passport-size pictures. ( Information about passport picture). Two (2) must be glued to the application form, and the third is attached with a paperclip to the passport (don’t staple!), with your complete name, and date of birth at the back of the picture. 
  • Valid passport 
  • Birth certificate (PSA) 
  • Informal invitation letter of the German Fiancé, stating the wish to live together in Germany and few backgrounds about the relationship. 
  • Two (2) Xerox copies of the federal identity card (front and back), OR Passport, and registration card of the Fiancé in Germany. – if applicable, copy of valid residence permit in Germany. (No need to be authenticated)
  • Form 11/121 : (From Standesamt with intended date of marriage)
  • Formal obligation (Original) from Ausländerbehörde. 
  • German Language A1 Level Certificate (Only issued by Alte certified tester-Goethe Institut, Ösd, Telc) – You need a basic knowledge of the German Language.
  • Travel health insurance, valid for 90days from the date of entry, with a minimum coverage sum of €30,000)
  • 2 Xerox copies of all original documents (except the application form, declaration, and passport) 
  • Visa fee €75 (applicant below 18 years old: €30). The Pesos rate depends on the current currency rate. 
  • If you were never married:
    – Cenomar (CSR form no. 4) from PSA – not older than 6 months from date of issue)
  • If you are a widow/widower:
     -previous marriage certificate
    – death certificate of spouse
    – PSA index certificate (CSR Form no. 5) regarding the appearance of the applicant’s name in the National Indices of Marriage. (not older than 6 months from date of issue)
  • If you are annulled, divorce:
    – Amended marriage certificate
    – Court order and certificate of finality concerning the dissolution of a previous marriage. If the previous marriage is dissolved outside the Philippines (divorce), then submit the proof of the validity of foreign termination of the marriage in the Philippines (Court order and certificate of finality)
    – PSA Index certificate (CSR form no. 5) – must not be older than 6 months and must indicate the annulment or divorce of the previous marriage 

All these documents must be submitted in original with two copies in an A4 size paper. 

If you need to translate your documents, make sure the translator is accredited by the German Embassy. 

Below are the lists of the accredited translators by the German Embassy:

accredited german translator german embassy manila            accredited german translator german embassy manila

Steps on How to Get a Marriage Visa in Germany

Now, here is the most exciting part of this blog. And I know most of you want to directly dive into steps rather than reading the boring requirements. 

But don’t forget, getting a marriage visa in Germany is not as easy as ABC. The German Embassy requires a lot of documents and verification before issuing the visa.

Below is the step by step of what I did when I applied for a Marriage visa in Germany. These may serve as guides for you so you won’t feel lost during the process.

Step 1. Ask your German Fiancé to Go or call the Standesamt. He/She must register your intention to get married in Germany to Filipina/Filipino citizen. Your fiancé should ask the following questions to the Standesamt:

  • What are the documents you both need to submit?
  • Where to send the documents, either to them or directly to the Embassy? 
  • Which documents should be translated? 
  • Where should you authenticate your documents? 

By asking these questions, it will give you a clear idea of all the documents they need from you and your German partner.

It will also save you from submitting wrong documents, like what happened to me.

I listened to other people’s advice instead of asking directly from the Standesamt.

I realized then, that not all the Standesamt are the same. 

So better ask them earlier to avoid such incidents on your application.

Step 2. Now that your German fiancé has the lists of documents you both need to prepare, it’s time to gather all your documents as soon as possible. 

The documents you might be required to prepare are already listed above. 

NOTE: Not all Standesamt are the same, so make sure you will ask the questions I said on the first step to avoid confusion.

Basically, the process starts when the Stademsamt asks for documents from the Filipina. The German Fiance will not submit yet his/her documents on this early process.

Step 3. After gathering the documents you need, submit them right away to Standemsamt or to the Embassy (depends where the Standesamt asks you to submit the documents.) 

If you need to send it to Germany, I suggest you use the fastest and safest courier like UPS or LBC.

It will cost a bit more than the normal post, but it is better to keep it safe and fast.

If you are required to have a checking of documents, you have to wait for 4-6 months depending on the situation and due to the pandemic, it might take longer.

Step 4. While waiting for your documents’ result, that is the best time to study the basic German language (A1 Level).

A lot of people are having a hard time learning German. You can either enroll in German courses or do self-study.

I did self-study and to be honest, it was so hard to learn the German language alone. Nobody taught me the proper pronunciation, grammar, and so on.

Even if my partner is German citizen, he can’t explain properly what I need to learn at A1 level. 

That’s why I suggest, you attend a German language online course so you will learn the proper A1 level and it will be easier for you to learn the German language.

But if you decide to do self-study, it’s perfectly fine. Try to learn German from Youtube, blogs, or German language websites

But like I’ve said, it will be difficult since no one will help you understand the entire lesson.

Don’t forget that you are only allowed to take your A1 Exam from either Goethe Institut Makati, ÖSD, or Telc. Make sure to check their website earlier, because the exam registration is always full.

By the way, you can also follow up with the Standesamt by emailing them about your documents after 6 months.

Do not follow up too early, and never spam email for updates.

Better wait until 6 months and then you can email them about your application.

Step 5. Once the checking of documents is done, the documents from the Embassy will be forwarded to Standesamt.

Normally, your German partner will receive an email from the Standesamt once the evaluation of your documents is done. 

Now, it’s your our German Fiance’s turn to submit the following documents:

            – Birth Certificate
            – Ausweis
            – Passport
            – if divorce, the documents from the divorce
            – Payslip ( at least 3months  )

Make sure that salary of your German fiance is more than 1500Euro to 1700Euro Netto. The Netto is the deducted salary from all the living costs like insurance etc.

This estimated amount of the Netto is important to get for Formal obligation. 

Ausländerbehörde wants that the German fiance can support you when you start to live in Germany.

Note: Some documents may add to these. It depends on the Standesamt.

These documents, together with your papers from the embassy will be forwarded to the Higher Court on where your fiance is residing.

This will only take about 4-6 weeks. Again, it depends on the situation.

You might be required to translate some of your documents to German or ask for some additional documents from you.

In my case, they asked me to provide a DTI and income report since I had a computer shop at that time.

Step 6: While waiting for the result from the Higher course, this is the best time to check for an online appointment on the German Embassy website.

It will be better if you will take the appointment date at least 8 weeks allowance from the time you will get your appointment up to the day of your tentative appointment. 

This is enough to gather other documents you need for your Embassy appointment. 

Make sure to check the complete list of requirements for a marriage visa and not the other type of visa.

Step 7. Now, if your documents from the Higher course are approved, your German fiance will ask to report to the Standesamt for the date of marriage or the Form 11/121. 

form 11/121 marriage in germany
(Form 11/121)

Yehey!! You are now close to your wedding day. 

Well, what I mean, it’s time to get Form 11/121 ( states the date of marriage), which you need for the interview. 

Your German fiance can request the Formal obligation from Ausländerbehörde and Travel Insurance as well. 

formal obligation requirements marriage visa in germany
( Formal Obligation / Verpflichtungserklärung)

Better to make it as soon as you get your date of marriage since Form 11/121 and Formal Obligation are only valid within 6 months. 

Step 8. Once all the documents are ready, your German fiance should send them to you since you will need these papers in original. 

Oh, I forgot, you must also get a new Cenomar since the German Embassy wants fresh Cenomar. You can easily request online before your interview.

Step 9: Now, this is it, you must attend your interview appointment on time. 

Tip: Bring a valid ID, because you will need it downstairs before going up to the Embassy.

And please bring the exact amount of money for your visa fee and recheck once again your documents before heading to the interview.

Step 10: Congratulations!! Finally, you’re done with the interview. The long process is over. You only need to wait for your visa approval.

Normally, they will say to wait for 1-3 months for the visa approval, but I got a call 3 weeks after my interview.

Always make sure that your phone is always available. 

Check the number of the Embassy to make sure you won’t miss the call.

If ever you missed the call from the Embassy, they will email you about your visa. If not, try to email them instead.

What are the Questions Asked by the German Embassy? 

Some of my students and clients from my marriage visa assisting service were asking me, what are the questions asked by the Embassy when I attended my interview appointment for a marriage visa?

Honestly, nothing to worry about. You don’t need to get nervous about the interview. 

All the questions are so simple and are all related to your documents.

So, what are the questions they asked me? These are random questions:

  • When and where did you meet your fiance?
  • Have you already met? When? (I showed the copy of my husband’s place ticket when he visited me)
  • Did he propose already?
  • What is his job?
  • How often do you talk? And in what language? (I said we mostly talk in English but with little German) 
  • When is my desired flight?

At that time, my A1 Certificate was more than 1 year old. And since the Embassy wants fresh A1 German language skills, they noticed my A1 Certificate and told me to wait for an email if I need to retake the A1 exam or conduct an interview with a German consul in the German language.

But, luckily they didn’t require me to retake, instead, they accepted my A1 German language Certificate from Goethe.

Make sure all your answers are connected to your documents. You should be honest with all your answers, because it may affect your application once they found out you are not telling the truth.

How long does it take for Marriage Visa in Germany to be approved? 

Basically, after your interview, the German Embassy will tell you that the visa approval might take a minimum of 1 month to 3 months. 

But due to the pandemic, it may take longer, depending on the city and situation.

I highly recommend that you have to wait for 2 months, and try to follow up on your visa application via Email.


So, there you have it. You now have the complete guide on how to apply for a marriage visa in Germany. 

You can also watch my video about my whole experience upon applying for a marriage visa.

If you will follow these guidelines, you will for sure lessen the stress and burden I had before with my entire application. 

If you have any more questions, write down your comments.

And please share with me your marriage visa application experience.

I will be glad to hear about your experience too.

12 Responses

  1. Congrats to you My dear,my situation right is now is I’m going to take A1 exam and they reject my A1 certificate and that was only 2018,,sa totoo lng po hirap na hirap ako kc more on writing and speaking Ang exam…I hope I can pass para sa visa ko

    1. Hi Altea,

      You can make it. You once passed it so mas madali na sayo at may idea kana ng exam. Goodluck po sa visa mo and update us if you’re already here in Germany.

  2. Hello po after reading yöur blog i learn a lot how to process it. It shade a light on many of my question when did u take your A1 exam? while processing the paper pu ba?

    1. Hello Sissy. I took exam before nagprocess kala ko kasi mabilis makuha un docs ng asawa ko (fiance ko pa sia before) . I advice you to take exam while ongoing kana sa process kasi valid lang for 1 year ang a1 cert para sa visa. Hope it helps you

  3. Hello Ms. Sars!
    Ask ko lang po if you bought a one way or two way ticket po to Germany? Requesting din po sana a blog regarding next steps once nasa Germany ka na. Like, ano po gagawin? mga need lakarin. Hehe, salamat po

    1. One way ticket lang po need sa MV. I have video po what to do after arriving to Germany. Please check my Youtube channel, “Simply Sars”.

  4. Hello po maam ask lang po ako if possible po ba maka apply ng fiancé visa or possible po ba ma approve ang visa.

    We plan na mag apply ng fiance with my boyfriend german.we meet already last jan 22 2023 to thailand.sabi nya wala daw sya pension then 2 times a week lang work nya at short time lang po at may konting ipon sabi nya. kaya worried po ako baka masayang lang application namin po. Pero.may own house and lot po sya sa berlin.sana po makakuha po kami ng konting idea sayo🤗salamat po sa pagsagot..god bless you always

    1. Sorry sa late reply. May required po na amount para sa support financial para makuha ka nia. I advice you to ask him na mag call sa Ausländeramt and ask how much he needs to prove na masuportahan ka nia dito sa Germany.

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