simply sars learn german a1 for beginners

German Verb: Difference between aufwachen and aufwecken

difference between aufwachen and aufwecken

In German, there is a difference between waking up by yourself and somebody waking you up. When we are asleep and afterward we are awake, then there are two options: either we woke up or we were woken up by someone or something.  In this article, you will learn the difference between aufwachen, and aufwecken, […]

How to Use zahlen and bezahlen in German Sentences

zahlen vs bezahlen

When you study German language, you learn at an early stage that they are synonymous.That can be correct. But there’s a little difference. In this article, you will learn the difference between zahlen vs bezahlen and how to use it in a German sentence. What is zahlen? zahlen – to pay Pronouns Present Tense Perfect […]

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